About Me

CARMEN JACKIE GIMENEZ is Venezuelan-American-Latina, and independent (NPA)
Known in the communities for her wonderful work in solidarity with populations, citizens, workers, employees, the elderly, parents, children, small and large entrepreneurs, chambers of commerce, people living on the street, churches, etc.

Libros Best Seller
Asilo: Derecho Humano
Spanish Edition
Solicitar asilo: Derecho Humano número 14
When you apply for asylum, you are stating that you do not want or cannot take refuge in the protection of the country where you were born and/or where you are.
The asylum application is an important step to achieve your protection and with it a happy and prosperous life, but asylum applications in the world have a methodology, that is, you must follow a series of steps and formalities to present it to the designated authorities. in the country in which you request it, so that the asylum is approved or denied or referred to other instances.
As reported 3 months ago before Broward Supervisor of Elections, ckerk in Hallandale favoritism see this and did do nothing yo correct! Reported also in Conspirancies and Power, tje best seller book by @carmenjackiegimenez @anabellagh @ilovehallandalebeach @browardgop @browardvotes @flelections_wm @scottforflorida @marcorubio

As reported 3 months ago before Broward Supervisor of Elections, ckerk in Hallandale favoritism see this and did do nothing yo correct! Reported also in Conspirancies and Power, tje best seller book by @carmenjackiegimenez @anabellagh @ilovehallandalebeach @browardgop @browardvotes @flelections_wm @scottforflorida @marcorubio ...
Today, we have the opportunity to participate in electing our #HallandaleBeachFL #Mayor @CarmenJackieGimenez and #Commissioner for Seat #3. Voting is a right! Come to 500 Lesley Dr or the Community Center from 7 AM to 7 PM to witness the process. I look forward to talking with you—stop by and say hello!

Today, we have the opportunity to participate in electing our #HallandaleBeachFL #Mayor @CarmenJackieGimenez and #Commissioner for Seat #3. Voting is a right! Come to 500 Lesley Dr or the Community Center from 7 AM to 7 PM to witness the process. I look forward to talking with you—stop by and say hello! ...
STOP CORRUPTION, STOP BAD- PRACTICES,L! Vote @carmenjackiegimenez @commissioner4hallandale Atention: HALLANDALE COMMUNITY YOU ARE INVITED! Jois us #tomorrow #nov 3rd at 11 am at @doggis 801 N Federal Hwy #hallandalebeachfl @floridagop @browardgop @ilovehallandalebeach @commissioner4hallandale @morasandy BRING UOUR AMERICAN FLAG!

STOP CORRUPTION, STOP BAD- PRACTICES,L! Vote @carmenjackiegimenez @commissioner4hallandale Atention: HALLANDALE COMMUNITY YOU ARE INVITED! Jois us #tomorrow #nov 3rd at 11 am at @doggis 801 N Federal Hwy #hallandalebeachfl @floridagop @browardgop @ilovehallandalebeach @commissioner4hallandale @morasandy BRING UOUR AMERICAN FLAG! ...
Whats going on in Hallandale Beach us unaceptable! Now all religions leaders are concerned and all voting @carmenjackiegimenez as Mayor, @commissioner4hallandale drat #3 @mattewmickens seat #4 . Meanwhile crime in Hallandale increased, see where some of our police officers are ! Yes… campaign for corrupt candidates in violation of Florida laws!

Whats going on in Hallandale Beach us unaceptable! Now all religions leaders are concerned and all voting @carmenjackiegimenez as Mayor, @commissioner4hallandale drat #3 @mattewmickens seat #4 . Meanwhile crime in Hallandale increased, see where some of our police officers are ! Yes… campaign for corrupt candidates in violation of Florida laws! ...