Carmen Jackie


Candidate for Mayor

City Of Hallandale Beach

About Me

CARMEN JACKIE GIMENEZ is Venezuelan-American-Latina, and independent (NPA)

Known in the communities for her wonderful work in solidarity with populations, citizens, workers, employees, the elderly, parents, children, small and large entrepreneurs, chambers of commerce, people living on the street, churches, etc.


People in favor of Carmen Jackie Gimenez as Mayor
Events Successfully Carried Out
Number of Beneficiaries

Libros Best Seller

Asilo: Derecho Humano

Spanish Edition

Solicitar asilo: Derecho Humano número 14

When you apply for asylum, you are stating that you do not want or cannot take refuge in the protection of the country where you were born and/or where you are.

The asylum application is an important step to achieve your protection and with it a happy and prosperous life, but asylum applications in the world have a methodology, that is, you must follow a series of steps and formalities to present it to the designated authorities. in the country in which you request it, so that the asylum is approved or denied or referred to other instances.

Carmen Jackie




On August 29th, #carmenjackiegimenez @commissioner4hallandale Viktor Vaynshteyn and #michaeljacobs were endorsed by both Florida and Hallandale Beach Chamber of Industries and Technologies. @nataliaocampobiz currently interim president and @danielpossof currently Technologies area president, publicly gave their recognition and support to those candidates. #hallandale #hallandalebeachfl #mayor #2024-2028 #carmenjackiegimenez is a prominent candidate leading the polls in the Hallandale Beach mayoral race. She is well-regarded for her strong commitment to modernizing the city, addressing key community issues, and advocating for transparency and ethical governance. Gimenez’s campaign focuses on reducing taxes for seniors and veterans, promoting tax incentives for upcoming entrepreneurs, and expediting permits and registrations to foster business growth.

She has significant support from the real estate community, with endorsements from a large group of agents and brokers. They believe in her vision to reverse the city’s decline and transform Hallandale Beach into a model of development and well-being. Gimenez is seen as a candidate who can bring technological advancements, job creation, and overall revitalization to the area. 
 #hallandale #commissioner #3 #2024-2028 @commissioner4hallandale is seen as a candidate who shares a commitment to transparency, ethical governance, and technological advancement. He has garnered support from various community members, including real estate agents and brokers, who believe in his vision for improving Hallandale Beach.

His platform includes initiatives to enhance the city’s infrastructure, create job opportunities, and upgrade public facilities. is aligned with the goal of making Hallandale a model city of development and and he is dedicated to addressing the concerns of residents and fostering a community-oriented approach in his role as commissioner.
@michaelisaacforaventura #aventura #commissioner #seat1 #2024-2028 is a famous dentistry practitioner with a proven leadership. Approved by #carmenjackiegimenez running for mayor Hallandale

On August 29th, #carmenjackiegimenez @commissioner4hallandale Viktor Vaynshteyn and #michaeljacobs were endorsed by both Florida and Hallandale Beach Chamber of Industries and Technologies. @nataliaocampobiz currently interim president and @danielpossof currently Technologies area president, publicly gave their recognition and support to those candidates. #hallandale #hallandalebeachfl #mayor #2024-2028 #carmenjackiegimenez is a prominent candidate leading the polls in the Hallandale Beach mayoral race. She is well-regarded for her strong commitment to modernizing the city, addressing key community issues, and advocating for transparency and ethical governance. Gimenez’s campaign focuses on reducing taxes for seniors and veterans, promoting tax incentives for upcoming entrepreneurs, and expediting permits and registrations to foster business growth.

She has significant support from the real estate community, with endorsements from a large group of agents and brokers. They believe in her vision to reverse the city’s decline and transform Hallandale Beach into a model of development and well-being. Gimenez is seen as a candidate who can bring technological advancements, job creation, and overall revitalization to the area.
#hallandale #commissioner #3 #2024-2028 @commissioner4hallandale is seen as a candidate who shares a commitment to transparency, ethical governance, and technological advancement. He has garnered support from various community members, including real estate agents and brokers, who believe in his vision for improving Hallandale Beach.

His platform includes initiatives to enhance the city’s infrastructure, create job opportunities, and upgrade public facilities. is aligned with the goal of making Hallandale a model city of development and and he is dedicated to addressing the concerns of residents and fostering a community-oriented approach in his role as commissioner.
@michaelisaacforaventura #aventura #commissioner #seat1 #2024-2028 is a famous dentistry practitioner with a proven leadership. Approved by #carmenjackiegimenez running for mayor Hallandale

Alguan vez te ha su edido? Cuando se te une la hora de deaayunar, almorzar y cenar!

Alguan vez te ha su edido? Cuando se te une la hora de deaayunar, almorzar y cenar! ...

After a very active, positive, results-oriented, and successful day, but without an appetite, I’m finally home! Thank you, God, for the food, health, and fulfillment. Another day with God!  Despues de un dia muy activo, positivo, de resultados y exito, pero sin apetito, finalmente en casa! Gracias #Dios por los #alimentos #salud #plenitud un dia mas con Dios!

After a very active, positive, results-oriented, and successful day, but without an appetite, I’m finally home! Thank you, God, for the food, health, and fulfillment. Another day with God! Despues de un dia muy activo, positivo, de resultados y exito, pero sin apetito, finalmente en casa! Gracias #Dios por los #alimentos #salud #plenitud un dia mas con Dios! ...

@oficial.amorsinlimites @gimenez_ruben @usarefugees Servir a la comunudad es un compromiso #dios #God ##hallandalebeach #future #love #carmenjackiegimenez #mayor #2024 @alejandro_loboo @mariode_nigris @cesar @vladimirvillegastv

@oficial.amorsinlimites @gimenez_ruben @usarefugees Servir a la comunudad es un compromiso #dios #God ##hallandalebeach #future #love #carmenjackiegimenez #mayor #2024 @alejandro_loboo @mariode_nigris @cesar @vladimirvillegastv ...

Nicolas cantara asi en la carcel, cuando ninguno de sus “amigos” lo visite! Claro, estarán en otras celdas pidiendo lo que todo el mundo les pide hoy #libertad VAMOS BRAVO PUEBLO! @mariode_nigris @somosradiotvconstylo @alejandro_loboo @mariacorinamachado @williamjimenezgaviria @inspector.luis.guillermo.parra @enterateconfabiolabottaro @ilovehallandalebeach @usarefugees @visionariaestrelladeoriente @kettypaquita @mariadevillar @asdrubalchocolate @venezolanosenmiam1

Nicolas cantara asi en la carcel, cuando ninguno de sus “amigos” lo visite! Claro, estarán en otras celdas pidiendo lo que todo el mundo les pide hoy #libertad VAMOS BRAVO PUEBLO! @mariode_nigris @somosradiotvconstylo @alejandro_loboo @mariacorinamachado @williamjimenezgaviria @inspector.luis.guillermo.parra @enterateconfabiolabottaro @ilovehallandalebeach @usarefugees @visionariaestrelladeoriente @kettypaquita @mariadevillar @asdrubalchocolate @venezolanosenmiam1 ...

Cuando mantienes el espíritu de la libertad, cuando eñ corazon anuncia nuevos exitosos desenlaces… cuando tienes Fe. Vamos Venezuela! Sigamos HASTA EL FINAL… Bebditos todos! Bendito Dios de La Libertad!  @carmenjackiegimenez

Cuando mantienes el espíritu de la libertad, cuando eñ corazon anuncia nuevos exitosos desenlaces… cuando tienes Fe. Vamos Venezuela! Sigamos HASTA EL FINAL… Bebditos todos! Bendito Dios de La Libertad! @carmenjackiegimenez ...

Un par de meses atras apoye a este grupo de ciudadanos que legitimamente alzaron su voz por la libertad de #navaldy. Hoy alzo mi voz por #todos los #priaioneros #políticos #rehenes y por su pronta recuperación! God bless all! #freerussia #freevenezuelans #freeisrael #freecuba Free all war preisoners!

Un par de meses atras apoye a este grupo de ciudadanos que legitimamente alzaron su voz por la libertad de #navaldy. Hoy alzo mi voz por #todos los #priaioneros #políticos #rehenes y por su pronta recuperación! God bless all! #freerussia #freevenezuelans #freeisrael #freecuba Free all war preisoners! ...

Muchas veces el silencio envuelve una nube gigante de actividad que solo percibimos con nuestro corazon. Este silencio hoy en Venezuela, me huele a libertad. Amaneci en claridad, mirando a mi corazon en el que lei: Venezuela, tu silencio huele a Libertad. Pronto… #luz #libertad #democracia #hermandad  #progreso desde aca #hallandalebeach con #amore a mis #hermanos

Muchas veces el silencio envuelve una nube gigante de actividad que solo percibimos con nuestro corazon. Este silencio hoy en Venezuela, me huele a libertad. Amaneci en claridad, mirando a mi corazon en el que lei: Venezuela, tu silencio huele a Libertad. Pronto… #luz #libertad #democracia #hermandad #progreso desde aca #hallandalebeach con #amore a mis #hermanos ...